Safeguarding - Child Protection Courses
Our safeguarding child protection training courses are designed to meet the latest government guidance including 'Working Together to Safeguard Children 2010' and are fully compliant with local safeguarding board requirements.
Child Protection Level 1 - half-day course
This half-day course is a general introduction to safeguarding and child protection and specifically designed for anyone who comes into contact with children, including employees and volunteers. This is a beginner’s course and you need no specific child protection skills.
Groups up to 12 people in-house at your location: £500
Groups up to 12 people in our Dunstable training room: £500
Advanced Child Protection Level 2 & 3 - 1 day course
The advanced child protection level 2 & 3 course is a 1 day course designed for people who require an advanced knowledge of child protection issues.
Groups up to 12 people in-house at your location: £900
Groups up to 12 people in our Dunstable training room: £900